11 Replies to “Pssst, check the download page.”

  1. Hi–Just tried out autostakkert 4.03
    Seems to work fine with ser files from my zwo 224mc camera but it wont debayer the stack properly with my player one mars-C II camera (ser also). The preview shows proper color when I force GBBR (the other choices show mono), but when the stacking is done the image is bright purple. Ive tried on two different win 64 machines. AS3 debayers both camers fine.

  2. Thanks for this awesome software! Works great on my Linux machine. One suggestion, could you add to the Image window UI a reminder that SPACEBAR disables a frame in the stack? And is the a button I am not seeing that does it?

  3. I tried ver 4.0.11 today on a SER file of the Sun but the image view window is not opening. Just the control window opens. I can perform Open and Analyse but cannot proceed to Stack because I cannot set alignment points etc

    1. Hmm, could you remove the autostakkert.ini file? Maybe the frame view window is visible on a monitor that is no longer attached. When you delete the autostakkert.ini file, it resets this.

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