There we go

You can download AutoStakkert!2 from the download page.

Please send me an email if you find any problems in this release of AutoStakkert!2.

10 Replies to “There we go”

  1. Hallo Emil,

    Autostakkert 2 is a wonderful program. Thank you ! Results are amazing. The only little thing I have: The TIF file saved seems to be compressed and a cannot open it in other software (ImagesPlus et al.) Keep the good work going.


  2. Thanks Chris!
    I have heard more complaints about that, I’ll see what I can do.

    There have also been some issues when processing large files (random lockups), and if I can track down those errors I will likely post an update early next week and hopefuly also add support for uncompressed image formats. So check the downloads session occasionally.

    1. OK Emil,

      with the new version all TIF files work fine. I have tried old films I made of the moon where I could not get satisfying results with other software. Now even these AVIs come out astonishing well. But it needs carefully playing with the settings (as with other software); then you come out with great images. Keep your fine work going Emil – but don’t forget going out taking images yourself ….

  3. Thanks George, Robin and Alexandra!

    Alexandra, AS!2 has been tested on a lot of white light solar recordings like yours, I have used it for over a year on my own recordings. When the seeing is good, you can get away with using very small APs (I got my best results using an AP size of only 25)

    One tip to get a little bit of extra sharpness and more accurate alignment: play around with the used last stack as reference option. If you first create a (somewhat) coarse inital stack based on a normal reference frame with not too small APs, then you can use that one as a reference frame for the ‘real’ processing where you use a bit finer APs. It might be too much work for the tiny increase in image quality, but I have found it does improve the sharpness a tiny bit.

  4. Hi,
    I am very impressed with your software and the results that it produces. Your images are outstanding!

    I am configuring a system to collect and process images. I hope to use the latest version of your AutoStakkert! 2 software on this system. What versions of Windows does your software run on? Does it work with 32 bit or 64 bit Windows?

    George Hall

    1. Thanks George!

      AS!2 works on both 32 and 64-bit systems (the software is 32-bit). I expect to upload the new version (2.1) within 48 hours.



  5. Hi Emil, & thank you for a great program! Finally a program that can MAP align effectively with minimal fuss – Plays great with OSC/Debayer imagers as well! I think it has added at least a 15-20% to the overall quality of my images. Fantastic!! 🙂

    Regards & best wishes,


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